The Danish Way of Parenting


“The Danish Way of Parenting,” co-authored by Jessica Joelle Alexander and Iben Dissing Sandahl, explores the parenting practices of Denmark and how they contribute to raising confident, resilient, and emotionally well-adjusted children. The book highlights key principles from Danish culture, emphasizing concepts such as play, togetherness, empathy, and authenticity.

The authors delve into the Danish approach of “hygge” (coziness) and “freedom with responsibility,” which allow children the freedom to explore, take risks, and learn from their mistakes. They emphasize the importance of creating a nurturing, open, and non-authoritarian environment that fosters emotional intelligence and independence.

“The Danish Way of Parenting” offers practical advice on nurturing positive communication, encouraging play, fostering emotional awareness, and promoting a healthy work-life balance. By incorporating these principles, parents can cultivate a sense of security, empathy, and happiness in their children while creating harmonious family dynamics.

10 Key Takeaways from The Danish Way of Parenting by Jessica Joelle Alexander and Iben Dissing Sandahl:

  • Embrace Play: Danish parenting values play as a means of learning and socializing. Allowing children unstructured playtime fosters creativity, problem-solving, and emotional development.
  • Foster Authenticity: Encourage children to express their true feelings and emotions. By promoting emotional authenticity, parents help children develop a healthy sense of self and build trusting relationships.
  • Prioritize Togetherness: The concept of “hygge” emphasizes quality time spent together as a family. Shared meals, activities, and conversations strengthen bonds and create a supportive environment.
  • Balance Freedom and Responsibility: “Freedom with responsibility” allows children to explore their interests while learning accountability. This approach promotes self-regulation, independence, and decision-making skills.
  • Value Empathy: Teach empathy from an early age by encouraging children to consider others’ feelings. This fosters understanding, compassion, and strong interpersonal skills.
  • Create Safe Spaces: Provide a non-authoritarian environment where children feel safe to express themselves without fear of harsh punishment. This supports open communication and emotional growth.
  • Promote Emotional Vocabulary: Help children develop a rich emotional vocabulary by discussing feelings openly. This equips them with the tools to navigate their emotions and communicate effectively.
  • Cultivate Resilience: Encourage children to embrace challenges and failures as opportunities for growth. Resilience is nurtured by learning from setbacks and developing problem-solving skills.
  • Balance Work and Family: The Danish approach values work-life balance, allowing parents to spend quality time with their children. Prioritizing family time contributes to a positive family atmosphere.
  • Model Positive Behavior: Children learn through observation. Parents who model kindness, respect, and emotional awareness set examples that children can emulate in their own interactions.


“The Danish Way of Parenting” unveils a nurturing and empowering approach to raising children that draws on Danish values of play, authenticity, togetherness, and empathy. By promoting emotional intelligence, resilience, and balanced freedom, parents can guide children toward confident and harmonious development. Emphasizing open communication, shared experiences, and positive role modeling, the book equips parents with the tools to create an emotionally rich environment that supports children’s well-being, fosters deep connections, and lays the foundation for a fulfilling and balanced life.



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